Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Thing 2

Web 2.0 is a two-way medium for teacher and student to receive instant feedback or link student-to-student. My students study a country, and they could communicate with a person from that country and have electronic dialogue with that student. As a G.T. teacher, I have already learned to be a facilitator and allow students to be responsible for their own learning. Web 2.0 is another avenue for students to take in order to become passionate learners, active participants by having access not only to knowledge but to people. My students choose topics of interest, and through self-investigation create a product that they will share with an audience. Their research product and presentation are evaluated by self, peers, and teacher. Web 2.0 would be an excellent tool to engage learners and converse with all stock holders. It makes students more global and expands their community so that they can take more responsibility for world issues. It diffuses the ideas of “why should I” and “How does this affect me.”

1 comment:

  1. And, wouldn't it be nice if we could embrace this "self-investigation" approach with all our students, not just GT!
